How can you tell when you are doing too much for your child? For instance, you tie the shoe laces of your 3 year old when you know she can do it herself, because its faster. You clean up your teenage son's room and pick up after him because it seems easier than getting into a fight with him or nagging him. Completing your child's homework for her when she is asleep because she complains its too difficult or boring. After all, you don’t want her to fail. We all guilty of over-functioning in our relationships at times, particularly with our kids. And we often do it without even realizing it. Unfortunately, the habit of doing things for your kids that you know they can do for themselves sends an indirect message that you don’t have confidence in their abilities. The Result is a children who are dependent, lack self-esteem and problem-solving skills and who can’t or won’t do age-appropriate tasks. This is referred to as ''Learned Helplessness''. They ...
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