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Does Yelling Help?

In most cases, Parents who end up yelling do not start out with the intention to scream but in a desperate effort to stop a child from doing the wrong things or stop a negative behaviour, it results in yelling. Simply put, yelling is trying to stop children from doing what you do not like by making them feel bad about themselves or what they are doing.

Parents may use verbal intimidation by shouting or yelling; or try to get attention by swearing or cursing at the child; or they may use humiliation, calling the child names like dumb or lazy.

Negative Effects of Yelling
  • Unfortunately, yelling hardly gives you any positive result (it doesn't help), it just becomes a "vicious cycle". Children misbehave, parents react with harsh verbal discipline, children react with worsening behaviour, and parents escalate their yelling and criticism. Often the cycle spins out of control.
  • Yelling has a negative effect on the child's emotions. When a parent is constantly harsh or hostile to a child, the child becomes angry, irritated and defensive. Instead of feeling nurtured, the child feels the need to constantly defend himself and this leads to exhibition of worse behaviours.
  • Constant shouting or yelling potentially leads to a long-lasting damage in the relationship between the parent and the child. Psychologically the child is affected and he/she looses the willingness to trust his/her parent.
In Summary, Parents who want to change their child's behaviour would do better to communicate with them on an equal level, explaining their worries and fears to them. Parenting programs can help parents learn alternatives to harsh verbal discipline and some parents may benefit from individual or family counseling or other professional intervention to appropriately deal with dysfunctional parent-child dynamics.


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