"When to wean?" It's a question that's top in the mind of nursing mothers. First, What does it mean to Wean: It means to accustom an infant (or other young mammal) to food other than its mother's milk. Your baby is considered weaned when he stops nursing and gets all his nutrition from sources other than the breast. Although babies are also weaned from the bottle, the term usually refers to when a baby stops breastfeeding. Some moms stop at 6 months, others serve a combination of solids and breast milk till the baby is 1 year old. Its also not surprising to see toddlers who breastfeed up to 2 years old. Ultimately, Weaning is a personal decision and should be based on what's best for your family. Perhaps as a working mom, you need to return to work after your 3 months Maternity leave, you may choose to wean your baby off breast milk at 4-7 months and introduce bottle-feeding. Weaning doesn't necessarily signal the end of the intimate bond you and your...
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